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C.P.E. Bach 300 years / Fantasia & 6 Organ Sonatas
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

Tini Mathot / Ton Koopman

C.P.E. Bach 300 years / Fantasia & 6 Organ Sonatas

Price: € 12.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917266825
Catnr: CC 72668
Release date: 31 October 2014
2 CD
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€ 12.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72668
Release date
31 October 2014

"Recommendation of the month The recording captures the the superb sound of the historical instrument perfectly. A wonderful plea for the works of C. Ph. E. Bach."

Fono Forum, 16-2-2015

About the album

In his day, C.P.E. Bach was often characterised as being an ‘original genius’. His compositions bear striking witness to this fertile originality. For a longtime C.P.E. Bach was viewed as the most renowned Sturm und Drang composer. However the free fantasy, so fabulously represented by C.P.E. Bach, is a phenomenon whose roots date back at least a century earlier. Likewise, the music’s improvisatory character, firmly grounded in a formidable improvisatory ability and C.P.E. Bach’s exceptionally unique harmonic insight, was already a prominent feature in music written long before the Sturm und Drang period, that of Johann Jakob Froberger and the composers who employed the Stylus Phantasticus (Dieterich Buxtehude, Nicolaus Bruhns and the young Johann Sebastian Bach). Rather than attempting to categorise C.P.E. Bach as belonging to a particular stylistic period, it is far better to view him as a highly individual and original composer. His keyboard music forms a unique oeuvre, without any equivalent in his day (incidentally, the word keyboard is used here to refer to clavichord, fortepiano and harpsichord!). Freedom permeates this music, along with unexpected harmonic modulations, rhetoric, virtuosity, special effects, precisely notated articulations, every dynamic gradation, unlimited variety, abrupt stops and tempo changes.

Jubileumalbum met werken van het originele genie C.P.E. Bach
Voor deze jubileumgelegenheid van Carl Philip Emanuel Bachs 300e, Ton Koopmans 70e, en Tini Mathots 65e verjaardag is er een opname gemaakt met werken voor fortepiano en zes orgelsonates van C.P.E. Bach.

In zijn tijd werd C.P.E. Bach vaak gezien als een ‘origineel genie’, omdat zijn composities getuigen van zijn grote originaliteit. In zijn tijd werd C.P.E. Bach meer geëerd dan zijn relatief onbekende vader Johann Sebastian Bach en voor lange tijd werd C.P.E. Bach beschouwd als de bekendste 'Sturm und Drang' componist. Zijn pianomuziek vormt een uniek oeuvre en kent geen equivalent in zijn tijd. De muziek zit vol met instrumentale special effects, virtuositeit, abrupte rusten en veranderingen in tempo. Dat maakt zijn repertoire tot een zeer boeiend en gevarieerd geheel.

Tini Mathot en Ton Koopman zijn een echtpaar dat regelmatig samen optreedt en muziek opneemt. Ze spelen zowel onbekende als bekende werken die variëren van de renaissance tot en met het classicisme. Naast latere werken voor fortepiano die gespeeld worden door Tini bevat dit album ook een zestal orgelsonates, die worden uitgevoerd door Ton Koopman. Een prachtig jubileumalbum en eerbetoon aan de grote componist C.P.E. Bach.

Obwohl die Wurzeln der freien Fantasie über ein Jahrhundert vor C.P.E. Bach liegen, so ist doch er der bekannteste Komponist dieser Gattung. Seine Musik ist geprägt von Modulationen, Virtuosität, unbeschränkte Vielfalt, dem ein oder anderen Spezialeffekt und einem Gefühl von Freiheit, die seine Fantasien so besonders machen. Mit dieser Aufnahme feiern die Musiker gleich drei Jubiläen: C.P.E. Bachs 300., Ton Koopmans 70. und Tini Mathots 65. Geburtstag. Zu diesem Anlass enthält sie eine brandneue Aufnahme von Tini Mathot und späten Werken für Hammerflügel und von Ton Koopman mit den Orgelsonaten opus 6. Wenn das kein Grund zur Freude ist!
Ton Koopman e sua moglie Tini Mathot celebrano il 300° anniversario di CPE Bach, il 65° di Tini Mathot e il 70° di Ton Koopman

Ai suoi tempi, C.P.E. Bach era spesso considerato come un ‘genio originale’. Le sue composizioni sono un’eclatante testimonianza di questa fertile originalità. C.P.E. Bach è stato a lungo considerato come il più rappresentativo compositore dello Sturm und Drang. Tuttavia la fantasia libera, così magnificamente rappresentata da C.P.E. Bach, è un fenomeno le cui radici risalgono almeno al secolo precedente. Allo stesso modo, il carattere improvvisatorio della musica, saldamente fondato su una formidabile capacità improvvisativa e sulla singolarità ed eccezionalità del genio armonico di C.P.E. Bach, era già una caratteristica saliente della musica scritta molto prima del periodo dello Sturm und Drang, quella di Johann Jakob Froberger e dei compositori che praticavano lo Stylus Phantasticus (Dieterich Buxtehude, Nicolaus Bruhns e il giovane Johann Sebastian Bach). Più che cercare di classificare C.P.E. Bach come appartenente ad un particolare periodo stilistico, sarebbe meglio considerarlo come un compositore estremamente individuale e originale. La sua musica per tastiera rappresenta un unicum, senza alcun equivalente ai suoi tempi. La libertà permea questa musica, insieme ad inattese modulazioni armoniche, retorica, virtuosismo, effetti speciali, articolazioni annotate con precisione, ogni tipo di gradazione dinamica, varietà illimitata, improvvise fermate e cambi di tempo.


Ton Koopman (organ)

Ton Koopman is a leading figure in Early Music and historically informed performance practice. As organist and harpsichordist Ton Koopman has performed all over the world and played the most beautiful historical instruments of Europe. His Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir has gained worldwide fame as one of the best ensembles on period instruments. Between 1994 and 2004 Ton Koopman and ABO&C have recorded all sacred and secular cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach, an extraordinary project that earned international acclaim. After that Koopman recorded the complete works by Bach’s predecessor, Dieterich Buxtehude. Besides performing as a soloist and with his ABO&C, Ton Koopman is very active as a guest conductor for modern orchestras and also devotes part of his time...
Ton Koopman is a leading figure in Early Music and historically informed performance practice. As organist and harpsichordist Ton Koopman has performed all over the world and played the most beautiful historical instruments of Europe. His Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir has gained worldwide fame as one of the best ensembles on period instruments. Between 1994 and 2004 Ton Koopman and ABO&C have recorded all sacred and secular cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach, an extraordinary project that earned international acclaim. After that Koopman recorded the complete works by Bach’s predecessor, Dieterich Buxtehude. Besides performing as a soloist and with his ABO&C, Ton Koopman is very active as a guest conductor for modern orchestras and also devotes part of his time to teaching. Ton Koopman is president of the International Dieterich Buxtehude Society and, since 2019, president of the Leipzig Bach Archiv.


Tini Mathot (fortepiano)

Tini Mathot was born in Amsterdam. She studied piano and harpsichord at the Amsterdam Sweelinck Conservatory. She enjoys a close collaboration with her husband and former teacher Ton Koopman. Together they perform many popular and lesser known works, giving recitals and performing in chamber music projects in the major concert halls of Europe, the United States and Japan. Tini Mathot regularly appears as a soloist together with Ton Koopman in concertos for two (or more) harpsichords and orchestra. She has recorded double concertos of J.S. Bach, C.P.E. Bach, J.F. Reichardt and C. Schaffrath with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra. Tini Mathot is a member of the Corelli Ensemble, whose members include Reine-Marie Verhagen. The ensemble was awarded the Diapason d’Or in France for...
Tini Mathot was born in Amsterdam. She studied piano and harpsichord at the Amsterdam Sweelinck Conservatory.
She enjoys a close collaboration with her husband and former teacher Ton Koopman. Together they perform many popular and lesser known works, giving recitals and performing in chamber music projects in the major concert halls of Europe, the United States and Japan. Tini Mathot regularly appears as a soloist together with Ton Koopman in concertos for two (or more) harpsichords and orchestra. She has recorded double concertos of J.S. Bach, C.P.E. Bach, J.F. Reichardt and C. Schaffrath with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra.
Tini Mathot is a member of the Corelli Ensemble, whose members include Reine-Marie Verhagen. The ensemble was awarded the Diapason d’Or in France for its recording of Haydn trios (with Andrew Manze and Jaap ter Linden), issued by Erato. The CD recording of Schubert’s ‘Winterreise’, sung by the baritone Klaus Mertens with Tini Mathot playing an original Rosenberger fortepiano, was released in 2005, followed by a recording of J.S. Bach’s organ trio sonatas with Reine-Marie Verhagen (recorder) and Tini Mathot (organ and harpsichord) in 2008, both CDs issued by Challenge Classics.
In her capacity as producer for Ton Koopman’s Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir and also for other ensembles, Tini Mathot has produced numerous CDs for Erato, Teldec and Antoine Marchand/Challenge Classics, among other labels. She is the producer of the complete series of Bach cantatas by Ton Koopman and the ABO&C as well as the Opera Omnia of Dieterich Buxtehude, which Ton Koopman is currently working on. In addition to these activities Tini Mathot teaches harpsichord at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague.
 Tini Mathot plays on a fortepiano by Mathias Müller, Vienna c. 1810 (with a range of 6 octaves FF-f4, an Empire-style case with bronze fittings and Caryatid legs), from the collection of Edwin Beunk, Enschede (NL). The instrument is typical of the Viennese building style around 1810. Mathias Müller had a reputation as an innovator with regard to instruments and was ‘Kaiserlich-Königlich priviligiert’.



Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

It can't be easy to have been a son of the great Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach was undoubtedly very strict, and if you'd have any composition ambitions, you would have to find a way to step out of the shadow of your father. Luckily, his sons had everything going for them considering their music. Whereas the traditional Baroque music of their father slowly went out of fashion, most of Bach's sons managed to follow the new trends of the early Classicism. In other words: relatively simple, melodic music which is not too heavy on the listener, yet still very passionate.  Carl Philipp Emanuel, Bach's fifth son, became the most outstanding among his siblings. Like each of Bach's sons, he received a...

It can't be easy to have been a son of the great Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach was undoubtedly very strict, and if you'd have any composition ambitions, you would have to find a way to step out of the shadow of your father. Luckily, his sons had everything going for them considering their music. Whereas the traditional Baroque music of their father slowly went out of fashion, most of Bach's sons managed to follow the new trends of the early Classicism. In other words: relatively simple, melodic music which is not too heavy on the listener, yet still very passionate.

Carl Philipp Emanuel, Bach's fifth son, became the most outstanding among his siblings. Like each of Bach's sons, he received a solid education from his father, en Carl Philipp developed into a remarkably talented keyboardist. Moreover, he became a prolific composer and of all Bach's sons, he was able to came closest to the quality of his father's work, albeit in a completely different style.



Recommendation of the month The recording captures the the superb sound of the historical instrument perfectly. A wonderful plea for the works of C. Ph. E. Bach.
Fono Forum, 16-2-2015

["].. Although Tini Mathot has a very relaxed approach to pulse, I felt that this was in keeping with the style of the music - and she does generally respect Bach's ornamentation markings, and  the notes that he wrote."
Early Music Review, 01-2-2015

"It is truly fantastic to hear these beautiful sonatas played so vividly and balanced by Koopman on this sublime sounding Berlin organ." 
Trouw, 12-12-2014

The variety and beauty of Buxtehude's music is amazing and exhilarating
Rondo, 27-10-2014

Play album Play album
Disc #1
Sonata in a minor Wq 70/4: Allegro assai
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in a minor Wq 70/4: Adagio
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in a minor Wq 70/4: Allegro
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in F major Wq 70/3: Allegro
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in F major Wq 70/3: Largo
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in F major Wq 70/3: Allegretto
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in g minor Wq 70/6: Allegro moderato
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in g minor Wq 70/6: Adagio
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in g minor Wq 70/6: Allegro
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in D major Wq 70/5: Allegro di molto
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in D major Wq 70/5: Adagio e mesto
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in D major Wq 70/5: Allegro
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in B-flat major Wq 70/2: Allegro
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in B-flat major Wq 70/2: Arioso
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in B-flat major Wq 70/2: Allegro
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in d minor Wq 69: Allegro
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in d minor Wq 69: Andante
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman
Sonata in d minor Wq 69: Allegro
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Ton Koopman

Disc #2
Fantasia in f-sharp minor (H 300, Wq 67)
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Tini Mathot
Rondo in G major (H 271, Wq 57/3)
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Tini Mathot
12 Variations on Folie d’Espagne (H 263, Wq 118/9)
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Tini Mathot
Fantasia in C major (H 284, Wq 59/6)
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Tini Mathot
Rondo in E major (H 265, Wq 57/1)
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Tini Mathot
Fantasia in B-flat major (H 289, Wq 61/3)
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Tini Mathot
Sonata in f minor (H 173, Wq 57/6): Allegro assai
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Tini Mathot
Sonata in f minor (H 173, Wq 57/6): Andante
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Tini Mathot
Sonata in f minor (H 173, Wq 57/6): Andantino grazioso
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Tini Mathot
Rondo in D major (H 261, Wq 56/3)
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Tini Mathot
show all tracks

Often bought together with..

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Esther Apituley
Richard Strauss
Dutch National Opera / Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra / Marc Albrecht

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